The Oscar Wilde House was the venue for the launch of Noreen Doody’s book, The influence of Oscar Wilde on W.B. Yeats. Hosted by the staff and faculty of American College Dublin, the event was attended by luminaries from the Irish cultural firmament, including Danny Osborne, the sculptor of the Oscar Wilde statue in Merrion Square, keynote speaker Declan Kiberd, Noreen Doody and many others.

ACD staff David Webb and Tony Vincent with author Noreen Doody and Danny Osborne, sculptor of the Oscar Wilde statue in Merrion Square.

Rory McEntegart with Noreen Doody.

Guests enjoy wine and canapés.

Declan Kiberd delivers the keynote address to launch Noreen Doody’s The influence of Oscar Wilde on W.B. Yeats.